
National Careers Week - 4-11 March 2024

It's National Careers Week 4-11 March 2024! Parents that are unsure of their child's options after GCSE or Sixth Form can use The Parents' Guide to NCW 2024, which has been created to give an overview of what’s available at 16 and 18 years’ old and summarizing different routes your child can take into the workplace. You can download your copy here.



At Brixham College, we believe that providing our students with a comprehensive Careers Programme is vital to prepare students for their future working life, and our students confidence to ensure that they gain success in their chosen fields of work.

Our careers programme forms part of our Values curriculum, which underpins the way in which the college provides students with the opportunities, experiences and skill development, necessary to carry our students forward.

Working with our students, we provide all the support and care at every level and to every year group, to ensure that our students career aspirations can grow and grow. Throughout their careers journey we provide all necessary information, advice and guidance, that allows all our students to prepare, and be ready for their destination moves at both Post 16 and Post 18.

We believe that by providing excellent careers guidance, we can enable our students to see a career and life is possible beyond our peninsula position. This provides our students with choices and aspirations that can take them beyond Torbay and in to a country full of choice, opportunity and success.

Brixham College’s Values and Careers programme, is scaffolded, delivered and defined by the Gatsby Benchmarks. The benchmarks ensure that every student can receive structured and appropriate learning through:

  1. A stable careers programme.
  2. Learning from career and labour market information.
  3. Addressing the needs of each student.
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
  5. Encounters with employers and employees.
  6. Experiences of workplaces.
  7. Encounter with higher and further education.
  8. Personal guidance.

 In addition to this, we also provide all our students and parents/carers with access to Careerpilot.

Careerpilot is a free online platform offering a wealth of impartial and independent information about routes to higher-level study in the South of England and beyond. It helps students identify their what their GCSE options will need to be linked to career aspirations, as well as providing post-16 and post-18 options with sections dedicated to a variety of qualifications, finding education providers at those levels, and the ability to research courses and job sectors.

Our students are support through our values sessions in Year 7 to set up their access into careerspilot going forward. Students are then reminded and allocated time periodically to revisit the site, to continue to gain up to date information, advice and guidance.

Brixham College’s Careers Information Advice and Guide is underpinned through our Values led learning, and built into our Personal Development Curriculum.

This is overseen and led by Mrs Lizzie Aston – Assistant Principal.

Access to our Personal Development Curriculum Policy can be located here

Any questions please email