Year 8's robotics adventure to Legoland for STEM robotics workshop

June 10, 2024 08:34am

Our Year 8 students recently had an exciting and educational trip to Legoland Windsor, where they participated in a STEM Robotics workshop.  

The workshop provided a fantastic opportunity for our students to delve into the world of robotics, learning how to build and program robots to move, flashlights, and make noises. 

48 students attended the workshop, eagerly engaging in hands-on activities that combined creativity with technical skills. The workshop not only enhanced their understanding of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts but also encouraged teamwork and problem-solving abilities. 

The students' enthusiasm and dedication were evident throughout the day.  

One of the teachers accompanying the trip remarked: "The students were a real credit to the school with their impeccable behaviour throughout the day. 

“This experience has undoubtedly sparked a greater interest in STEM subjects among our students, inspiring many to explore these fields further.”