Join us for our Open Events: Thursday 12th September, 6:00 -8:00 pm & Monday 16th September, 9:00 -11:00 am – Book your place today!

The Harbour

The Harbour

What an exciting year 2023 promises to be for the ASC Enhanced Provision- we said goodbye to the ASC Enhanced Provision that has been our home since 2005  in 2021 and we are now fully established in our new accommodation The Harbour.

Re-locating the ASC Enhanced Provision to the Adult Education Centre has provided the opportunity to further support children who have autism. Students can access The Harbour through the maths block, as well as having their own entrance into school which can accommodate taxi drop offs providing a safe and calm start to the day. In addition to the additional internal accommodation that The Harbour now has, there is access to a sensory garden and space to further develop the ‘food to fork’ project. The outside space also provides a safe and secure play space, which will be further developed as part of the sensory processing development plan. 

The internal accommodation provides teaching rooms and intervention spaces for social skills groups, and life skills within the kitchen. We have also developed a brand-new sensory room so that students have access to a calm space and the opportunity to manage sensory overload. We are thrilled with the new space and the opportunities it will provide for our students. 

You maybe wondering why the new name, the definition of Harbour “ 1 : a part of a body of water (as a sea or lake) so protected as to be a place of safety for ships : port. 2 : a place of safety and comfort : refuge.” We are delighted that The Harbour provides safety and comfort for children who have autism and the safety net to enable them to flourish at school.