
Brixham College Uniform

It is expected that the Brixham College uniform will instill pride, and support positive behaviour and discipline. It will encourage identity with, and support for, the College ethos and ensure students from all backgrounds feel welcome. The uniform will protect students from social pressures to dress in a particular way and nurture cohesion to promote good relationships between different groups of students.

Students at Brixham College are expected to wear correct uniform at all times while on College site or while representing the College off site and at events.

We are very keen for students to wear our distinctive College uniform and where students are in breach of the College Uniform Code they will be required to resolve the issue on the day of the infringement. Parents will be contacted to facilitate this.

Click here for our Brixham College Online Shop 

Click here to order PE Uniform

For further information please email collegeuniform@brixhamcollege.co.uk

It is expected that the Brixham College uniform will instil pride, and support positive behaviour and discipline. It will encourage identity with, and support for, the College ethos and ensure students from all backgrounds feel welcome. The uniform will protect students from social pressures to dress in a particular way and nurture cohesion to promote good relationships between different groups of students. Students are expected to wear correct uniform at all times while on College site or while representing the College off site and at events. We are very keen for students to wear our distinctive College uniform and where students are in breach of the College Uniform Code they will be required to resolve the issue on the day of the infringement. Parents will be contacted to facilitate this.

Compulsory Items




Blue College Blazer with college badge

The College Blazer is to be worn at all times, including when moving around the College.  In extremely hot weather conditions, blazers may be removed, at the direction of the Principal, but must be carried visibly when moving around the site.

Compulsory and must be purchased from our uniform team

House tie – tied correctly

Only to be removed with the permission of the Principal, usually due to extreme weather conditions.

Compulsory and must be purchased from our uniform team

A plain white shirt

A standard school shirt. Long or short sleeved with a normal – not soft – collar which can be buttoned to accept a tie. Shirts must be long enough to be tucked in to trousers or a skirt.

Compulsory and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Black tailored trousers

No other type of trouser can be worn in college.

Compulsory and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Black pleated knee length skirt

No other type of skirt can be worn in college.

Compulsory and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Sensible, all black shoes or trainers

Footwear must be completely black.

Compulsory and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Optional Items




Black knee length tailored shorts

Can be worn.

Optional and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Socks should be black or white and ankle length


No corporate logos to be seen.

Optional and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Tights should be black opaque or neutral

Leggings are not permitted. No footless tights.

Optional and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Belts must be plain black without decoration

No large ornate buckles or studs.

Optional and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets

Black or Blue jumper

This can be either a V-neck or round neck item with no corporate logo.  Jumpers are to worn under the blazer; they do not replace the blazer.  A shirt and tie must be worn under the jumper at all times.


A V-neck college jumper can be purchased with the college logo.

Optional and can be purchased from high street retailers such as supermarkets or from our uniform team.

Additional notes

Make-up must be discreet and no false eyelashes are to be worn.

Earrings must be a stud style to prevent being caught or tangled leading to injury.

Piercings are restricted to one small nose stud, again to prevent items being caught or tangled leading to injury.

Necklaces must be tucked away to prevent being caught or tangled leading to injury.

Outdoor coats are to be worn outdoors and only indoors with the permission of the Principal due to extreme weather conditions.  Coats are not to be worn in place of the college blazer at any time.

Hats and scarfs should not be worn within the college buildings.

Head coverings, headscarves or hijabs may be worn for religious reasons.

Denim, leather and substitute leather clothing items, hoodies and clothing with large corporate logos are prohibited.


Uniform Code

We believe that the foundation of a strong educational environment begins with understanding the purpose behind our practices. We recognise that the "why" behind our uniform policy is crucial for creating a cohesive and focused learning atmosphere. Our goal is to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging, equality, and pride, which are essential for their academic and personal growth.

Why Uniform is Important:

Identity and Belonging:

  • Wearing a uniform helps students identify with their school community, fostering a sense of belonging and pride. It unites students under a common identity, reinforcing the idea that they are part of something larger than themselves. This helps them Be Team Brixham SMART.

Equality and Inclusivity:

  • Our uniform policy ensures that all students are dressed equally, minimizing socio-economic disparities and reducing the pressure to wear the latest fashion trends. This creates a level playing field where students are judged by their character and abilities rather than their attire.

Focus and Discipline:

  • A uniform helps maintain a focused and disciplined learning environment. When students wear their uniform, they are mentally prepared for the school day, which enhances their concentration and academic performance. This readiness supports them to Learn SMART.

Practicality and Smartness:

  • Our uniform is designed to be practical and smart, ensuring that students are well-presented and ready for learning. It simplifies the morning routine for families and ensures that students are dressed appropriately for various school activities. This ensures they Look SMART.

Positive Work Ethos:

  • Wearing a uniform instills a sense of professionalism and a positive work ethic in students. It prepares them for future environments where dress codes are common, helping them understand the importance of presenting themselves well.


  • Our uniform policy is designed to be affordable and cost-effective for parents and carers. By limiting distinctive characteristics and offering second-hand options, we ensure that the uniform is accessible to all families.

By embedding these principles into our uniform policy, we create a structured yet inclusive environment that supports all students. Our "why" is clear: to provide the best possible education by fostering a sense of identity, equality, and focus, ensuring that every student can thrive academically and personally.