Brixham College, on Higher Ranscombe Road, received its first graded Ofsted inspection in nine years and was praised for its high expectations of pupils.
The inspection, which took place in October 2023, found the school’s sixth-form provision and personal development to be ‘Good’ but received a ‘Requires Improvement’ rating overall. This is because further improvements are needed regarding education, leadership, and behaviour.
The school says it has a robust improvement plan in place to address these areas. This was recognised by inspectors who said, “the school has already made significant changes with the aim of improving quality of education and pupils’ behaviour.”
As part of the school’s improvement plans, it has joined the National Behaviour Hub Programme. This allows leaders to learn and share best practice for improving pupil behaviour with schools across the county. The school is also working to achieve the University of Exeter's nationally recognised Thinking Accreditation, supporting pupils to become natural independent learners.
Amongst the areas of strength highlighted in the report, inspectors praised the school for implementing the ‘Brixham Way’, which has led to a more “consistent approach” to teaching and learning, which has had a particularly positive impact on children with special educational needs and disabilities. Inspectors also found the curriculum to be “well planned”, “broad and ambitious” and “the school is clear about what pupils need to learn, and when.”
Other key insights from the report include:
Parents and carers can give their views of the College at any time of the school year and at the time of an inspection using an online questionnaire called Parent View.
Click on the following link to register: HERE
When the College is notified of its next Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility. Please make sure we have your most up-to-date contact details.
Further information can be found on the Ofsted Site
Please download the latest report below for a full breakdown of the inspection team’s findings.